Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reading questions answered for Nathan

Questions about the reading itself:
Smithson mentions that entropy essential is a trending toward balance, how do you feel this relates to a creative practice’s trending toward completion?
Having been written in the early 1970’s this conversation mentions both energy crisis and the derelict remains of floundering housing projects, are these issues specific to the cultural climate, unavoidable and ubiquitous, or a combination of the two?
Smithson mentions the an intention to sculpt the sides of the Niagara Falls to make it look less “man made” and more natural, how does this relate to idea of entropy?
 Do you feel that you relate more positively to work that is more idyllic or dialectic, and why?

Questions about my work in relationship to the reading: You can see my work on my website at or in the Keating Annex near the president’s office.
What does it mean to skip order and start from a state of incongruity? It's like saying let's skip the first step, let's start the car from second gear. It's sometimes a great decision that can save time and sometimes it ruins your car.
What order can be arranged from the remnants of a highly entopic existence? It depends on what material or form you are specifically referencing. This is an open ended question. I will relate it to the article. If we rearranged the remnants from Duchamp, humper dumpty, or the artifacts in Egypt; then we would have: small glass shards, a story about things that shatter, and carbon dust. Maybe. That is if we ignored the whole. And just looked at what gets left behind.
What is the role of iconography in a deteriorating system?
ORhaving curl equal to zero; irrotational; lamellar.
8. a person who is conservative in principles, actions, habits, etc.
9. a supporter of conservative political policies.
10. (cap.) a member of a conservative political party, especially the Conservative party in Great Britain.
11. a preservative.
Origin: 1350–1400; < LL conservātīvus, equiv. to L conservāt(us) (see conservation) + -īvus -ive; r. ME conservatif < MF < L, as above
Why do you feel that I chose to include the quote? As a further elaboration on your relation to entropy.
I decided to include several readings, how do you feel that relates to my studio practice, and why do you feel I do it? I dont know a lot about your studio practice. I see in your work that you pull from western cultures icons and stereotypes to make structures that resemble coocoo clocks. So I do t know how to answer this without hearing you talk.
Why swim against the current?
What do you feel are the essential differences between being a conservative and being a conservationist? A very strong dictionary definition separates the two. They share the tendency to preserve things. Nature, architecture, culture and traditions. Etc

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